~Meat and Other Protein~ (1 serv of meat = 4-6 oz)
BEST Choices
WORST Choices
Baked, broiled, grilled, or stewed meats
White lean meat
Fried meats, Red meat
Lower-fat cuts of meat, Buffalo
Higher-fat cuts of meat
Turkey bacon -Nitrate free, uncured
Pork bacon
Raw unsalted nuts and seeds, almonds, cashew, peanuts, brazil
nuts, walnuts, hazel nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, Chia
seeds, Flax Seeds, Hemp hearts… (Make sure seeds are ground up so the body
can absorb them).
Roasted, salted, flavored nuts
*FYI: Peanut Butter
is considered a roasted nut… Unless you buy raw peanut butter or make your
own.. Roasting nuts changes the molecules in the oil and it is no longer
beneficial for your body, leading to weight gain, and contributing to clogged
Skinless breast of chicken or turkey- Free range, hormone
free, organic
Poultry with skin, caged, plumped
Baked, broiled, steamed, or grilled fish- Fresh is best, or
frozen fresh
Fried fish
Tofu (Organic NON GMO) lightly sautéed, baked, steamed, or
cooked in soup
Fried tofu, non organic
Baked or stewed beans, not canned, black beans, garbanzo
beans, lentils
Beans prepared with lard, preservatives or sodium
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